Episode 2
starts off with Seo In Ha, Dong Wook and Chang Mo singing on the stage for
their school celebration. They had varieties of 70s retro game in the school celebration.
Very well portrait of the 70's era university.
went to get a drink after Dong Wook’s taekwondo performances except In Ha, Yoon
Hee and Hye Jung.
Hye Jung requested In Ha to play the cupid shooting game, as she wanted to get the toy plushy. The rule of the game was the girl’s name has to be written on the board and he has to shoot the apple on top of the board. In Ha tried twice and Hye Jung got her toy plushy.Then, Hye Jung then insisted Yoon Hee to write her name on the board as well.
In Ha
wasn’t able to concentrate well on the apple. His attempts twice and failed twice. During the third shot, Yoon Hee asked him to
stop. But he does not want to give up his last chance. While In Ha was concentrating on
the apple target, Dong Wook interrupts him. Dong Wook wanted to shoot the apple for
Yoon Hee. But In Ha insisted that he will shoot for her. And yes, this time he
got it! Power of jealousness ?
During the
night, they were having a picnic with soju and makkoli. This time they were playing a game where you
have to answer questions if you lose the game. Something like truth or date. Dong Wook lost.
Hye Jung
asked him, what is the difference between all the girls he dated in the past
and Yoon Hee? He answered: My heart and my sincerity.
Hye Jung : of course, you said about the
“there’s no need for sorry in love. Because love is about sincerity.
Dong Wook: Actually those words were said by In Ha.
Hye Jung: But Yoon Hee said she liked you because you said those words. So the truth is Yoon Hee actually liked In Ha’s words.
Yoon Hee felt happy inside and yet sad at the same time. On other hand, In Ha glances at Yoon Hee and pretends like he doesn't care. The
situation gets awkward, In Ha tries to divert everyone's attention to the fireworks in the sky.
After that, it was folk dance time. Before In
Ha moves to the dance floor, Dong Wook tells him that he’s going to confess to
Yoon Hee. In Ha’s mood totally changed.
The dance started, In Ha initially paired up
with Hye Jung and Dong Wook danced with Yoon Hee. While dancing, In Ha keeps taking short glances at Yoon Hee, though he could only see her back. As the loop goes, it was In Ha’s turn to pair up with Yoon Hee. Both of them were so shy to look at each
other. The loop goes on, In Ha caught Yoon Hee's hand. But he still let go her hand, reluctantly.

Seo In Ha: I wanted to tell her not to go.
That moment, I realize that no matter what I do I was unable to stop
things from happening.
The dance
ended, everyone was leaving the hall. Out of sudden, some random guy just hit the arch decoration and it
collapsed. Yoon Hee was standing right in front of the arch. In Ha saves her
and injured his right hand.
In the
emergency room, Yoon Hee sat there feeling guilty and the others restless. Dong
Wook asked Yoon Hee to go in and see In Ha while he calls Hye Jung and Chang
Mo. Finally some private moment for In Ha and Yoon Hee, he tries to cheer her
up Seo In Ha style, but her eyes began tearing.
She apologizes and told him how much she was
worried. Her parents passed away in an car accident because they tried to save
her. Someone barges in the emergency
room and spoils their private time together. Yoon Hee looked away to hide her
teary eyes. But Chang Mo felt there was
something between them. Somehow he’s smart!
Back in
their dorm, Chang Mo asks In Ha if he has something to tell him.
Chang Mo:
In Ha, you really have nothing to tell me?
In Ha: about what?
Chang Mo: Erm.. Something that is supposed to be a topic between roommates or
girl problems.. ?
Chang Mo: Ah..Maybe not.. Girls problem?
Chang Mo: Hehe, not that. Or is Girls problem?
When Chang Mo was going to say about the 3-second-girl, and Dong Wook enters the
room. The topic was left unsaid.
Yoon Hee
made some Kimbap(sushi rolls)for injured In Ha. Both Yoon Hee and In Ha sat on a bench in the school.
Yoon Hee: Do you feel okay?
In Ha : Yea .
Yoon Hee: It would be hard to eat with your right hand, so I made this for
you. Because it’s easier to eat. Kimbap.
In Ha: But I got to go.
Yoon Hee: Oh..Really? Then..please be well soon.
Yoon Hee stands up and leaves awkwardly .
In Ha changed his mind and stops her.
In Ha: Miss Yoon Hee! Do you have some
time? I need your help.
In Ha
brings Yoon Hee to the guitar shop to collect his new guitar. The owner of the
shop thought she was his girlfriend. In
Ha asks Yoon Hee to help him try the guitar, because every guitar has it’s
own unique sound. But somehow she doesn’t know how to play a guitar. So he suggested that he
will handle the chords with his left hand and Yoon Hee will strum the
guitar with her right hand. They sang the song called “One Summer Night”.
In Ha asked
Yoon Hee about her parents. Yoon Hee tells him the story about her parents
who liked “Love Story” movie. She wanted
to watch it when the movie is replayed in cinema recently.
In Ha felt sorry that she wasn’t able to watch the
movie,because of him.
Yoon Hee unknowingly answers him “There’s no sorry in love”. In Ha was surprised. A moment later, she realized she wasn’t supposed to say
that. Did she just think that she and In Ha are already couple? :D She explained
that she didn’t mean that way.
In Ha asks her if she wants to watch it
now. Unfortunately, the showing of the movie had ended, both of them looked so disappointed. He asked Yoon Hee to watch with him together if the movie is shown again.
In Ha walks toward his area of the studio and moves the cloth from the couch and places his items away and tidy things up.
"Eat a little first. I'll leave now." Yoon Hee saids. In Ha turns around and nervously saids, "Let's eat together."
Yoon Hee looks down slightly and nods and notices In Ha's drawing that he has started. In Ha follows her gaze and quickly goes over to turn the drawing around worried that she might learn of his feelings for her and stands there for a moment thinking.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look." Yoon hee saids. In Ha quickly turns around blurts out that it's Hye Jung. Surprised and sad to hear this, Yoon Hee looks down and saids that she doesn't want to get in the way of him working and will leave first. In Ha then tells her not to go and eat with him first and goes to get water. In Ha turns on the water and leans forward with a sigh pondering what just happened.
Yoon Hee turns to look at the aisle where the painting was and remembers Hye Jung mentioning that In ha only paints the one that he loves and sighs sadly realizing what that meant and begins to look around the studio. She notices the green locker and opens it. Outside near the faucet In Ha comes to realize that something was happening and rushes back into the studio. (Now the music playing here makes this scene even more dramatic).
Yoon Hee looks through the paintings in the locker and is shocked to see a large painting of her that she drops all the other paintings and then sees how many of them were of her. In Ha comes in seeing that Yoon Hee found the portraits and she was picking them up. Yoon Hee looks at him and puts the portraits down and quickly runs out of the studio while In Ha stands there shocked not knowing what to do. Once outside the Yoon Hee stops taking in all the information with a slight smile realizing what all this means.
In Ha follows soon after and sees her. He walks towards her and calls out her name. Yoon Hee turns around looks down shyly. In Ha notices all the people around them and takes her hand and leads her to a spot where they can talk privately.
"I have something to say. Those paintings... " In Ha saids. Yoon Hee is anxiously waiting to hear what she expects him to say . In Ha takes a deep breath and starts to say something but hears his friends talking. Yoon hee notices that now isn't a good time and saids she will hear what he has to say next time and turns to leave.
In Ha then tells her he doesn't want her to misunderstand anything and that those paintings she found didn't mean anything. He had wanted to paint the scenery and she just happened to be there. He saids all of this without looking at her. Yoon Hee did not expect to hear this and looks down sadly and asks if this was what he wanted to say to her. She saids this with pleading eyes hopeful expression. In Ha still doesn't look at her and sighs and then turns to her and tells her that it was and that his hand is better so she doesn't need to make him lunch anymore.
No matter what he doesn't want Dong Wook to misunderstand the two of them because he's a very important friend. Yoon Hee is heartbroken to hear this but keeps her composure and assures him that she won't misunderstand anything and walks away quickly. In Ha watches her walk away with a pained expression not liking what he did.
Kim Chang Mo rushes in to the studio and sees In Ha's paintings of Yong Hee and quickly rushes Dong Wook and Hye Jung out so they don't see them. On the way out from the window Dong Wook sees Yoon Hee walking and rushes out to meet her. In Ha returns inside and sadly looks at the paintings on the ground.
Dong Wook follows Yoon Hee get off the bus. Yoon Hee notices and turns around telling him she is going to work and needs to go there alone. Dong wook senses that she's angry and asks what's wrong and when she doesn't answer tells her she is pretty when she's angry. Yoon Hee tells him to stop what he's doing. Why does he like her? He doesn't know anything about her and basically tells him to stop with a really sad expression on her face looking down and walks away.
"Because you're like someone I know. " Dong Wook answers. Yoon Hee turns around looking at him. Dong Wook explains she's like his mother who passed away when he was little. She looks at him with understanding.
Meanwhile In Ha is sitting in the studio alone feeling down as he finally picked up the paintings on the ground. Yoon Hee tells Dong Wook he also lost her parents when she was young as it starts to rain. Dong Wook grabs her wrist and leads her where there is a cover and brushes the rain off her shoulder. Yoon Hee tells him she can do it and he apologizes and they both look away with a sheepish smile. Dong Wook then asks her out. Yoon Hee looks at him surprised. Voice over by In Ha: One person's beginning is another's ending.
In Ha looks at the new drawing and thinks to himself how it only took in 3 seconds to love her but to stop loving someone would take more than 3 seconds. In Ha decides to look for Yoon Hee after thinking a moment. In Ha manages to see her but notices that she is with Dong Wook and hides. He watches them with very sad expression. He seems Yoon Hee smiling and laughing and the voiceover goes 'It was a painful youth for us all"
At the train station Dong Wook tells everyone that he asked out Yoon Hee and that if she comes with today that means she answered yes but if her answer is no that she wouldn't come. In Ha looks slightly surprised to hear this and looks away.
Dong Wook and In Ha stay outside waiting to see if Yoon Hee will arrive. At the final boarding call Dong Wook heads in first. In Ha stays a bit longer watching with a wishful look as he realizes if she doesn't come he may never get to see her. In Ha gets on but sticks his head out as the bell rings and sees Yoon Hee arriving.
He waves to her and as he sees the train starting to move tells her to run and he pulls her up and her face almost lands on his shoulder. Yoon Hee pulls further back but their hands are still entangled. "Thank you." She saids softly and In Ha only nods.
Dong Wook comes over and happily sees that Yoon Hee did come and they both look up at Dong Wook and let go of each other's hand. The rest of the gang comes over and In Sook happily congratulates her on going out with Dong Wook. In Ha looks on sadly and stays there looking out the window for a second before following the rest of the group.
Here we see In ha walking far behind Yoon Hee and sees Dong Wook offer to help her and the carry her bag together one in front of the other. In Ha looks away for a bit before continuing to walk. Hye Jung comes up behind In Ha and they walk together. Chang Mo ends up piggybacking In Sook across this bridge. (Love the music and the scenery is gorgeous). The group is playing hide and seek together. Dong Wook is it.
Yoon Hee choose to hide underneath the tarp and looks around and notices that In Ha is hiding in the same place. Yoon hee turns away while In Ha continues to face her. He walks closer and congratulates her. Yoon Hee replies think you. This is what everyone hoped for. For me to go out with Dong Wook. Even you said the same thing. In Ha confused by her response asks Why?. Yoon Hee turns around and walks away from him.
Dong Wook and Yoon Hee are sitting by the fire. Dong Wook asks if she is angry he told everyone about asking her out. Yoon Hee told him she was a bit shocked. He apologizes explaining that he didn't think she would come.He will try his best and she gives him a small smile.
The three guys play a song for the girls. Next they ask In Ha to play for them a new song that he wrote. In Ha tells everyone he has something to say and will tell them after he sings. He tells them the name of the song is "Love Rain" and that he isn't finished with the lyrics yet so he will just hum it but Chang Mo mentions that he saw the lyrics so In ha saids he will sing the first verse.
"On the raining evening, I saw you."
"For a long time I wanted to see you"
"You had no umbrella so I asked you to come under my umbrella"
"la la la la la la"
Yoon Hee thinks about that time walking under the umbrella with In Ha.
"Love Rain is falling"
"la la la la la la"
In Ha and Yoon Hee's eyes meet as he finished singing the song.
Dong Wook asks In Ha was thinking of when he wrote that song and if she was the 3 second one? He then asks if the girl in the song was what he was going to tell them about. In Ha said he will.
That's the end of this recap. Hope you enjoy.
Labels: Recaps
Wednesday, 28 March 2012 - 14:52
The episode starts off with Seo In Ha saying " 1, 2, 3. In only 3 seconds, I've fallen for her." as he walks past Kim Yoon Hee and turns to look at her.
Seo In Ha is sitting painting and decides to open the window and quickly glances outside and walks away but something out of the corner of his eye catches his attention and he turns to look again and there he sees her. Outside on the bench reading. (Love the instrumental playing here.) "At first glance, I was hypnotized" Seo In Ha voice saids. (Love his expressions in this scene.) He watches her a bit more before grabbing his drawing pad and began to draw her.,
Now his friends are in the coffee shop and Lee Dong Wook enters and they ask if Seo In Ha is meeting them as well but then realize he is probably at the studio where he usually is and likes to be alone. Anyways their talk turns towards Lee Dong Wook and Seo In Ha's fight later that night. This time Lee Dong wook said they are wagering on a girl. Now they don't believe him as they have never seen Seo In Ha talking to a girl but Lee dong Wook insists that Seo In Ha fell in love at first sight.
Seo in Ha smiles as he watches Kim Yoon Hee scratch an itch and goes back to drawing and when he looks again he seems that she is gone. As he couldn't see here anywhere near he runs out of the studio to the bench area and looks around and continues to look for and and bumps into somebody. He apologizes and goes to help her pick up the items and when turns to look he realizes that it was her and continues to watch her and suddenly he feels his heart beat very quickly. Yoon Hee turns noticing him looking at her and In ha looks back down and goes back to picking up his items and as they both get up they bump heads. "Sorry" In Ha saids bowing and handing back her books. She bows back and saids, "Thank you." and walks away. In Ha grabs her arm to stop her and starts to say "That..." But then ends up saying "No, its nothing." Then walks away.

Suddenly an announcement comes on asking all students to stay where they are and salute the flag as they play the national anthem. In Ha turns to look at Yoon Hee and slowly moves backwards closer to her while showing his respect and facing the flag.
Voice Over: Talking about it now its quite funny, at that moment I was thinking that the reason I came into this world is just to love this woman with his whole heart.
Yoon Hee turns to look at him and he quickly looks away. She glances at him again and then walks away. In Ha watches her walk away and sighs shaking his head. As he turns to go he realizes he dropped something and goes to pick up his pen and notices a yellow notebook and picks it up. He considers going after her but decides to open the book to see and notices the name "Kim Yoon Hee and flips through some of the pages. "This isn't a diary is it?" He asks out loud.
In Ha starts to go after her but is called on by his friends. Dong Wook tells him their "lover" is here which happens to be a guitar and then mentions they have to play for it.
A group of people are watching In Ha and Dong Wook play tennis and and Hye Jung mentions how Dong Wook always likes what In Ha likes and tries to take things away from him. Yong Hee happens to walk by and sees the crowd and turns to see him and learns his name. Seo In Ha she saids to herself and smiles as she watches him play and then turns around to leave but she bumps into other people leading her to have to pick up her books. In Ha happens to look up and sees her. As she picks up her items she notices that her diary is missing and runs off frantically to find it. In Ha watches this concerned. "On that day where I missed her many times I was already in love."
In Ha is sitting at his desk taking out the items in his bag and comes across the diary. He opens it and reads the name on it. "Kim Yoon Hee" he saids to himself and smiles and flips through the pages and comes across a page marked with a yellow umbrella book mark with "love story" written on it. He reads the page.
Love is never saids sorry.
Its a line from a the movie "Love Story" that my parents who passed away liked to watch. But I don't understand the meaning of this phrase.
"So her parents passed away." In Ha saids to himself and closes the book and puts it back into his bag.
The next day In Ha looks around for her but when he doesn't see her he turns to walk away. He then hears a voice say " Wait a moments please."
He turns around and sees her and she asks him "Did you happen to find my diary.. no I mean a yellow notebook yesterday?"
In Ha looks down and she said "I hope nobody reads it."
"You must be busy. Sorry, to have bothered you." And she walks away. In Ha waits and moment and starts to walk towards her but notices another guy talking to her and wants to go closer but his friends call after him and they discuss how Yoon Hee is in Hye Jung's class and is popular with the boys but has not friends. Dong Wook seems to also be entranced by her and saids " 3 seconds?" and then smiles and saids "Its nothing" to In Ha who notices and heads off towards class. In Ha looks a bit worried.
In class, In Ha flips through the diary to that page again and continues reading it. Yoon Hee writes that she really wants to go see "Love story" this time in the theatre. The bench in the art school in autumn is my favorite place. The place makes my heart flutter for a reason I don't know today. Then she goes on to talk about her grandma.
She would put saliva on spots where it hurt and it would heal up quickly and she realizes now that it was her grandma's love. She someday wants to fall in love like both the actors in the movie and like her parents did. In Ha read the diary many times that night.
She mentions in her father's favorite "The Little Prince" there is line about taming someone. Perhaps love is about mutual understanding. He looks up and smiles and thinks. "I want to know more about her."
In ha buys a ticket for "Love Story" and heads to the library to find the book "The Little Prince" and there on the other side Yoon Hee is there as well and their eyes meet.
He quickly looks away and takes the book and turns to leave and ends up knocking over the books that were to be put away. In Ha apologizes and helps pick the books. Yoon he hears the noise and checks out the situation and goes over to help. The librarian person asks In ha if he checked out the book 'The Little Prince". She notices the name of the book so he saids. "No he hasn't" and gets up to leave.
Na In Sook goes over and asks Yoon Hee if he is In ha. She saids, no and asks why. At the cafeteria In Sook explains that there are three people in C'est La Vie. Lee Dong Wok is the DJ and a playboy but a med student and his parents own a hospital and he is nice and handsome and smart and girls don't leave him alone.
Then there is Kim Chang Mo who is a country boy and always looks for food. But as soon as he sings, he is captivating so people forgive him for that. Lastly is In ha who is a art student and is mysterious and gentle. He's like a prince and writes their songs. He comes from a wealthy family that is strict and heard that he has a fiancee. Yoon Hee asks if he really has a fiancee and In Sook nods. In Ha saids no he doesn't as he looks at Yoon Hee and then walks away. In Sook wonders why he did that and if he doesn't have a fiance if he is interested in her.
It's raining outside so Yoon Hee is waiting until it stops. In Ha notices and walks closer and sees her. After a few moments she turns and notices him too and exchange greetings. He looks away and she looks for a second and turns away. He watches here again and saids "That.. Will you wait a moment please." He slowly turns and runs back inside. She looks after him curiously.
He heads back to the library to ask someone for an umbrella. He does see one but couldn't ask the girl. Yoon Hee walks closer so she can see the door to see if In Ha has comes back. He goes down to the store room and manages to find a yellow umbrella and hurries back. He quickly opens the umbrella but finds that it doesn't open all the way. Yoon hee smiles as she looks away. In Ha then manages to hold it up in a way to keep it open. He then asks if they should go.
Yoon Hee looks at him and turns her head her face breaking out into a smile and they walk together. In Ha makes sure to keep the umbrella above Yoon He's head.
Yoon Hee breaks the silence and saids "Just now, it wasn't me who said it. About the fiance."
In Ha saids, "Ah, No, I don't have a fiance". Yoon Hee nods in response.
"I know it wasn't you who said it," In ha then said after a moment.
"Ok" She saids and notices that In Ha's shoulder is getting wet so she moves the umbrella over.
In ha saids he's alright and she saids that she is as well.
In ha moves it back over and she tells him to then to come closer then.
They walk comfortably for a while and then she asks "Do you like it"
In Ha looks at her and then she saids 'Rain' "Do you like Rain"
"Yes I do like. When I see the rain I feel sad and also happy," In Ha replied.
"So do I" Yoon Hee replies.
"That book.." Yoon Hee saids.
"The Little Prince" In Ha saids.
"There is this part: Love has two faces of happiness and sadness. I think that love and rain are similar to each other."
Yoon Hee saids. A car is coming across quickly and In Ha covers Yoon Hee with his back so she doesn't get splashed.
"Are you okay?" They both ask. After a moment, In Ha steps back and saids, "Take this umbrella,"
Yoon Hee moves forward so the umbrella covers In Ha.
In ha then saids, "I realized that I have to meet someone." In Ha turns to go back.
Yoon Hee asked, "Um.. when can I return this to you?"
"Oh this... On Sunday are you free?"
"What?" Yoon Hee saids.
In ha reaches into his pocket for the ticket but puts in back in.
"Movie.." In Ha saids.
"Movie?" Yoon Hee askes.
In Ha nods and saids "Love Story"
Yoon Hee smiles and saids, " I really want to watch that movie."
In Ha smiles back and looks down and saids, "Want to watch it together?"
Yoon shly looks down and smiles and nods.
"Okay then" In Ha saids and walks away.
Then turns around and saids, " I got that umbrella from the library so don't worry about it."
After meeting In Ha under the yellow umbrella, Yoon Hee heads over to the bus stop.
There she meets Mr. Flirt, Lee Dong Wook.
He asked if she remembers him, but she gave him the "please stay back" look. He offered to exchange umbrella with Yoon Hee, but she rejected.
He continues to flirt with her and invited her to watch “Love Story” movie. But Yoon Hee walked away without answering him.
After having sweet moment with Yoon Hee in the rain, Seo In Ha fanatically finishes drawing Yoon Hee’s portrait. At that moment, he has completely fallen for her.
Dong Wook heads over to talk to In Ha and tells him that he's got a date to watch the movie "Love Story".
Apparently both of them didn't know they've fallen for the same girl.
Seo In Ha continues to read Yoon Hee’s diary, and get to know every bit of thing that she likes.
All of them meets up in a café for a friendship meeting. Seo In Ha was left heartbroken when he heard that Yoon Hee is the girl that Dong Wook likes.
They were playing a game where all the guys have to place their belonging(pencil, watch, .. ) on the table, and whichever girl chooses the particular guy's belonging, they will be partners.
Yoon Hee chose the pencil.
Coincidentally that pencil belongs to Seo In Ha. A smile appears on Seo In Ha's face. But faded away too soon.
As Dong Wook, who wanted to woo Yoon Hee said that the pencil was his. Seo In Ha was left heartbroken again.
He wanted to give up on Yoon Hee because he doesn't want to ruin the friendship between him and Dong Wook.
Seo In Ha: “I felt happy because of her, yet I feel sad because of her”
The girls went shopping. Yoon Hee overheard the conversation between Hye Jung and In Sook.
In Sook said In Ha was trying to avoid Yoon Hee in their recent meetings because Yoon Hee thoughts that In Ha likes her.
On the way back, Hye Jung confesses to Yoon Hee that she likes In Ha. Yoon Hee was heartbroken.
Seo In Ha and Yoon Hee meets again coincidentally in front of the library on a rainy night. In Ha asked if she forgot to bring umbrella, but Yoon Hee told him that she was waiting for her friend. In Ha walked away, but he came back and told her not to wait and asked her take his umbrella.
Yoon Hee took his umbrella.
Seo In Ha asked why she didn’t attend their recent meetings.
Yoon Hee told him that she would rather be the one who absent, if he is not attending because of her. Misunderstand case.
Seo In Ha clears the misunderstanding by telling her that he’s busy. He told her that he doesn't mind at all.
He asked how is things between her and Dong Wook.
Yoon Hee explained to him that they are not that kind of relationship.
But Seo In Ha was trying to promote his friend. Lastly, In Ha reminds her to come for next meeting.
He watches Yoon Hee leaving the library from his window, In Ha then keeps all his Yoon Hee portraits in the locker.
And that's our recap. Thank you very much for reading.
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