In Ha managed to chase Yoon Hee along the road and met her the other side of the road.
In Ha: During that time, how was your life?
Yoon Hee: I was very happy too. It's raining today also, just like the day we met. Sorry. I couldn't tell you that I was alive.
Seo Jun and Hana walking under one umbrella, along the streets.
Seo Jun: What's wrong with this area? Why the roads are so high?
Hana: That's why I told you not to come, why did you follow me?
Seo Jun: How to live in such high places? You walk like this everyday? Of course, you're solid.
Hana: What?!
Seo Jun: You know why I am following you? I told you just now, I'll treat you better from today onwards.
Hana: This is what you mean by "treating me better"?
Hana's right shoulder was getting wet due to the rain, and umbrella was small to fit both of them.
Seo Jun: It your raincoat that is getting wet, my clothes can't get wet.
Hana: This is my umbrella.
Seo Jun: Okay.
Seo Jun: Ah, i hate rainy days.
Hana: But I like it.
Seo Jun: Why?
Hana: Because my mum likes rainy days, when I was small, we would go for a stroll during rainy days. So, there's many happy memories during rainy days.
Seo Jun: Weren't you saying you wanted to meet your mum's first love, in Japan?
Hana: Because of who I wasn't able to meet him?
Seo Jun: That's why. Why do you even want to meet him?
Hana: My mum is sick. So I want them to meet each other, one time. Why am I telling you all this? This is a secret, Okay?!
Hana saw the place she wanted to rent, she runs with her umbrella, leaving Seo Jun standing there in the rain.
After having their short conversation, In Ha and Yoon Hee bids each other goodbye.
In Ha: We will meet each other again right?
Yoon Hee: (shakes head) I'm really happy that I met you again,
In Ha: Really don't want to meet again?
Yoon Hee: For me, it's enough to know that you're happy as me.
Yoon Hee walks away, bidding him goodbye. In Ha too walked away reluctantly. After a few steps, In Ha realized that he must get Yoon Hee back, he runs back to chase Yoon Hee. But she was no where to be found. Yoon Hee was actually in a pharmacy, buying eye medicine.
Seo Jun follows Hana to look for rooms to rent. He made a great fuss over all the rooms.
Seo Jun: But why is it so narrow?
House owner: You're right, if it's for two people, then it's a little narrow. Are you newly married couple?
Hana: No!!
House owner: Then, you're living together?
Seo Jun: What?!
The next house they went.
Seo Jun: Why is this staircase so narrow?
Seo Jun didn't like the room, again, he dragged Hana outside.
Hana: Why you keep following me?
Seo Jun: There's a guy keep staring from the opposite, how a girl suppose to live there?
Hana: Then how? I can't even find part-timejob and room too.
Seo Jun: I'll find for you.
Hana: What?
Seo Jun: I said I will find for you. Part-time job and room as well.
Hana: Why you keep saying impossible things?
Seo Jun: I said I'll find for you!
Hana: What's wrong with you?
Seo Jun: I said I will treat you good, right?
Hana: You're so weird today. You said you want to start from the beginning and treat me better. And now you're saying you're going to help me find part-time job and room.
Seo Jun: Are you stupid? I am an expensive and busy person. But you still didn't realize the reason why I keep following you?
Hana's phone start to ring again. It was her senior, Tae Sung. Seo Jun grabs her mobile phone and rejected the phone call.
Seo Jun: You said this guy was special for you, right? Dating?
Hana: No.. How can you reject the phone call!
Seo Jun: Why? I only helped you reject the phone call. You're dumped? Indeed dumped. How can you get dumped by this kind of people? I said that I will treat you better, means everything about you matters to me. Since the beginning, everything about you matters to me, when we met again in Korea, and now too I am very concerned about you.
Hana: But..why?
Seo Jun: That.. I don't know. However, till I know the reason, I'll keep you by my side.
Hana: What?
Seo Jun: Seems like I am unable to help you find a room today, so I'll go first. Don't come late on the photo shooting day.
Hana: Photo shooting?
Seo Jun walks into an alley, so nervous,
Seo Jun: Wow, I was totally cool!
Back to Sun Ho's place, Seo Jun tells Sun Ho that he wants to rent one of his rooms. Seo Jun was a little awkward about his parent's plan for remarriage.
Hana sitting on a bench near a park, she's still looking for rooms & houses. Seo Jun's words flashed through her mind,
Hana: I didn't hear wrong right? Or has he gone mad? Or maybe he wants to torture me? Sigh, can I find a part-time job?
Hana's phone rang again, it was Tae Sung calling. Hana didn't want to pick the call, she spoke to the phone.
Hana: Stupid, you want to know if I am okay right? But Senior, I don't feel like talking to you right now. Work hard okay?
Yoon Hee goes home, and looks through her old diaries. While In Ha find Dong Wook and tells him that he met Yoon Hee, she's alive.
Hana comes home after a long day out, she found her mum sitting outside looking at the sky. They had a little mother-daughter conversation.
In Ha decided to go
look for Yoon Hee in her garden. He watches her as she weeds and she gets up
and turns around and sees him. In Ha walks towards her and grabs her into a
Yoon Hee and In Ha are sitting in the greenhouse both
looking down. Yoon Hee is taking a sip of her tea and started to say something
In Ha interrupts.
In Ha: I can't do that.
Yoon Hee looks up as he saids this.
Ha: It might sound selfish but I have to say it. I couldn't be happy. Because you
weren't there with me I was very sad. So sad that I was unhappy. My
time stopped there at that beach where we walked.
Yoon Hee looked down and nodded.
In Ha: I broke up with Hye Jung a
long time ago. I couldn't make her happy. I was only hurting her. I had made
people around me unhappy and I was also unhappy. While you weren't there I
changed alot.
Yoon Hee: No you
didn't. The person in front of me is the same as the person from that time.
In Ha:
I don't want to lose you anymore. I can't let you go like this. Save me please?
Yoon Hee: I…
I don't have a right to do that anymore. I'm sorry. I love my daughter
and husband. And I'm trying hard to be happy. I
just want to live like this. I will only make you unhappy. I'm sorry.
In Ha: Don't say that you're sorry. I
don’t what to hear those words coming from you.
He saids this very solemnly looking out the window.
After In Ha left Yoon Hee sits there by herself looking sad
and wonders what she should do now that he came.
Hye Jung is in her office going over
some papers from her workers and reads the information on Yoon Hee. She learns
that she works in the Jooam Resort Arboretum and her husband had passed away a
long time ago. She is frantically trying to all In Ha but there is no answer.
In Ha is walking down the path to the beach where
he and Yoon Hee last walked as he thinks about the last time he was here with
Yoon Hee as he looks out into the ocean.
Hye Jung is meeting
with Chang Mo and tells him that Yoon Hee’s husband passed away and that she is
not going to tell In Ha this. Chang Mo chides her as he doesn’t want to lie to
his best friend and what about Yoon Hee. Hye Jung begs him not tell In Ha as
she fears that he would leave forever if he knew. She asks for one last glass
of alcohol as she won’t drink more since In Ha doesn’t like it.
Hana arrives at Seo
Jun’s studio for her photoshoot. The studio is quite busy as all the staff are
getting ready for the shoot. Hana looks around curiously as the cameras are set
up and tested and all the clothes and jewelry being set up. Hana remembers what
Seo Jun had said bout keeping her by his side and sighs. Hana tries out some
outfits for the shoot as Seo Jun comes in complaining about the noise. He sees
Hana and then stares at her for a moment and then tells the others to get ready
for the shoot. Seo Jun beings to takes
some photos but Hana is having some trouble posing. Seo Jun looks at her and looks
at his assistant and sighs. He gives her many instructions but it doesn’t seem
to be working as Hana can’t seem to relax and look natural. Seo Jun then tries
putting on some music and gets her to move naturally to it. Hana does some cute and funny dances. Seo Jun stops her again.
Seo Jun: What are you trying to show with
these clothes?
Hana: What?
Assistant: It's Hana’s first time isn’t it?
Seo Jun: A model who doesn’t know what she
wants to show with these clothes. How am I supposed to film her?
He sighs and tells
them to bring magazines and pictorial data.
He begins to go through the magazines and tells Hana to go pick what she
likes since she is the one who will be wearing the clothes. She ends up picking
some outfits and he tells his stylist to go find them right away as they will
continue shooting in the afternoon. Hana apologizes to the assistant for
causing the delay. The assistant tells
her not to worry since she's new at this and looks at Seo Jun and asks her if she thinks
Seo Jun looks handsome today. Hana turns to look at him. Seo Jun quickly looks
away and places poses. (So handsome).
Hana comes out in
her new outfit and everyone is saying how perfect and beautiful she looks. Seo
Jun just stares at her. Hana is smiling and looking down at the compliments.
Stylist: As expected it’s different when you
pick your own clothes. Perfect.
Seo Jun: Shut up!
Seo Jun starts to
take pictures.
Seo Jun: Do the clothes fit?
Hana: Yeah.
Seo Jun: Just look at me. Just stand there
and look at me ok?
Hana nods. Seo Jun tells her to look over at him and
takes some photos.
The stylist and
assistant are making sounds and telling Hana she’s really pretty. Seo Jun
notices that this is distracting Hana so he tells everyone to leave and he will
take pictures with just the two of them. Then the rest of the crew leaves.
Hana: Why.. is just us two shooting?
Seo Jun: Isn’t this good, to have me who is
easy to handle stay.
Hana: Who is easy to handle?
Seo Jun: Why did you even choose that
Hana looks down and
Seo Jun takes a picture as she answers the question.
Hana: Because it’s both elegant and pretty.
It’s going to be spring soon and the flower print is pretty.
Seo Jun: Do you always like flowers?
Hana: They’re pretty! They can move people.
Seo Jun: Next outfit.
Hana is now wearing
a pink sleeveless dress with a bow.
Seo Jun stares at
her for a moment before taking a picture.
Seo Jun: Why did
you pick this one?
Hana: The color is really pretty. Does it look weird?
Seo Jun: It doesn’t look weird.
Next up is a yellow
dress with her hair tied in a pony tail.
Hana is laughing as she is saying she likes it because it feels fresh.
Looks good. Like this. Seo Jun takes a few more photos and tells her it’s the end.
Hana: Really?
Seo Jun: You don’t want it to be over?
Hana: You’re really fast. Really impressive.
Seo Jun: Right? I’m usually this kind of
Hana: It’s good that it ended fast. I don’t
think I’ll ever do this a second time.
Seo Jun: You are really pretty.
Seo Jun takes a couple more pictures.
Seo Jun: Surprised face included!
The assistant,
stylist and Hana are looking at the pictures. They all agree they are great.
Hana is surprised they are really of her.
Seo Jun: I told you before. In order to get
pictures taken from me, it’s going to be expensive. This is the reason. You
should be honored.
Assistant: I admit his skill. If only his
attitude was a bit better.
Hana agrees and looks
at the pictures again before changing and leaving with her pay. She walks past
Seo Jun and Sun Ho. Seo Jun looks at her
and shakes his head.
Hana: Ah what now?
Seo Jun: Color and texture, none of them
match. And why are your clothes so big too? You picked the clothes today. Wear
clothes like that from now on! That was your style! You can take one of the
outfits. I’ll give it to you as a gift.
Hana: I don’t want it. I have my own style
okay? How can I wear uncomfortable
clothes like that?
Seo Jun: That is the fashion.
Sun Ho: Okay. Okay. I like comfortable
clothes. They’re the best for your job. Comfortable clothes are good.
Seo Jun: What? You like those clothes? I’ll
take a picture and show you.
He gets up with his
camera and zooms in on her as Hana shrugs and tilts her head and smiles. As he looks at her he stops and looks
at her putting down the camera.
Hana: What?
Sun Ho: What’s wrong?
Seo Jun: Just feel like there’s no reason to
take more.
Hana: Well anyway, thank you. It was a
really good experience.
Sun Ho: Then are you not modeling again?
That’s sad. Then that means we won’t see each other again.
Seo Jun seems to
just realize that he won’t see her again and looks at her.
Hana: That’s right. Sorry for always
troubling you. I’ll see you again when there’s a chance.
Seo Jun: Yeah We can see each other another
time or not.
And he looks away
Hana bows and then
leaves. Seo Jun watches her walk away and looks like he wants to say something
to her but stops. Hana leaves the building look a bit sad. Seo Jun comes out
and turns her around by her shoulder.
Seo Jun: You…
Hana: What?
Seo Jun: It seems like you forgot something.
What I told you before.
Hana: Oh that. That you’ll have me by your
Seo Jun:
Yeah that…
You want me to forget what you said?
Seo Jun looks
surprised to hear that.
Hana: Don’t worry about it! In any case, I
wasn’t even thinking about it. Don’t worry. I already forgot everything.
Seo Jun looks
surprised and then looks away frustrated.
Seo Jun: Yeah.. Fine then. Do that.
Hana: What?
Seo Jun: Do that. Forget everything.
Satisfied? Okay?
Sun Ho’s sister
comes up and puts her arms around him. Seo Jun pulls away at this until he sees
who it is. She mentions how much she
missed him in the past 3 months and how handsome he is. Hana takes her leave seeing this. Seo Jun watches her.
Seo Jun: Yeah, I’m going to forget her and
not see her again.
Later that night,
Seo Jun is looking at the pictures he took and then closes his computer as he
wonders if he is crazy.
Hana is on her way
looking for rooms and walks past where Sun Ho who is on one of his runs to look
after his grandfather. As he is about the leave he sees an older man sneaking
off and follows him. Hana happens to see the old man and checks to see if he is
okay and helps him sit down. Sun Ho quickly meets them. He quickly proceeds to check his blood pressure and asks Hana to help
hold him down. Afterwards Sun Ho buys some beer which Hana likes and they drink
Sun Ho: About today. Thank you. If you need anything, just let me
Hana: It’s okay. This is good enough.
Sun Ho explains
that the old man lost his wife because of high blood pressure so he doesn’t want
to check it. Hana is surprised that where he worked was a hospital and that he’s
a doctor. Their hospital is called white garden which she really likes and
mentions that the place does look like a garden and excitedly draws what she
thinks it used to look like. Sun Ho smiles at seeing her so excited and asks
her if she lives near there. She tells him she was just looking at a room. Sun
Ho then realized that was why Seo Jun wanted to rent the room. He then asks if
she found a room yet and she tells him she hasn’t and she still needs a
part-time job.
Sun Ho: Then do you want to work part time?
Hana: What?
Sun Ho: Working part time. If you want, I
can find a room too.
Hana: What?
Seo Jun is sitting
outside in the garden area and he hears and sees Hana everything. Near the
trees, leaving the shed, weeding and walking towards him waving. He convinces
himself that he is just overworked.

In Ha returns home
to see Hye Jung waiting for him as she wanted to talk and have a meal with him.
She had the table set up with wine glasses and candles and a chef to cook the
food. She starts the conversation regarding Jun and Mi –Ho and how she things
they would be good together while In Ha disagrees as he doesn’t know what Jun
thinks of this arrangement. She then turns the conversation to Jun leaving and
not liking her because he doesn’t like her clinging onto him. She asks In Ha to
talk to their son about the two of them getting back together. In Ha tells Hye
Jung he can’t back together with her as they both know how unhappy they both
were then. In Ha apologizes for not being able her happy and then he only
realizes now that love isn’t something you can try at and that by trying he
just made her unhappier. Hye Jung wonders why he is saying this all of a sudden
and he tells her that he met up with Yoon Hee. He tells her that she is alive.
Hye Jung: That.. how did you know that? Did
Chang Mo tell you?
In Ha: Chang mo? You knew it too?
Hye Jung: So you met Yoon Hee. So what? Now
that you met her, you’re saying that the years you spent with me is just empty
In Ha: Hye Jung
Hye Jung: So now you two are meeting again?
In Ha just sighs
and doesn’t answer. Hye Jung sees this
and scoffs and assumes that is what happens and as he is divorced and she is by
herself and how she must not have any problems. In Ha looks up surprised as he
clarifies whether or not Yoon Hee is alone.
Seo Jun is working
on his previous model shoot and as he is looking Hana’s picture pops up on his
screen again scaring him. He quickly turns off his computer as he hears someone
coming in. Sun Ho comes in and makes sure its okay with him to rent the room on
the first floor. Sun Ho shows him the picture that Hana drew and then as Seo
Jun asks who drew it flipped it over to show an agreement. As he looks it over
he saw it was for Hana. Sun Ho explains that he has agreed to have Hana work
there part-time and live there. He then tells him that she couldn’t sign it
because of him. Seo Jun was surprised to hear that as he looked over the
In Ha is driving
quickly over to see Yoon Hee.
wonders why Seo Jun came all the way over to see her. Hana wanders over to
where they said they would meet and sees him. Seo Jun walks over to her. She
nervously backs away.
Hana: Don’t worry I won’t go there. What’s
wrong? I already said I wouldn’t go?
Seo Jun: Why do you think that I won’t like
Hana: No…I didn’t….
She almost falls as
she backs up. Seo Jun pulls her up.
Seo Jun: Listen well, because I’m only going
to say it once. I think I like you.
They are looking
into each other eyes but are interrupted but Hana’s mom as she calls for Hana
and Hana turn around.
End of Recap. Thanks for reading.
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